Facebook Ads help you reach the right people amongst the billions of visitors Facebook receives. Done correctly, you can attract new customers, boost sales and engage with your target audience. Did you know that Facebook Ads are very cheap? (Much cheaper than many other forms of online advertising). They also allow you to be incredibly targeted and measure return on investment.
For example, imagine you are marketing an event. You specifically want to target older people in your town with an interest in live music and art. It would be very easy to target this specific audience with Facebook Ads.
We believe that Facebook Ads can be far more cost effective than 'traditional' marketing techniques, such as flyers or magazine adverts etc. With traditional advertising, you have little understanding of how many people see it or your return on investment. Facebook however makes it easy to monitor your returns, engagement levels and conversions/sales. For more information on Facebook Ads, have a look at the official Facebook guidance.
We specialise in helping our clients achieve their goals. If you need help delivering this marketing idea, or if you want to take your strategy further, we at Wired Canvas can help. Have a look at our portfolio to see how we've helped others in the past and get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!