Crowdfunding websites such as Kickstarter, IndieGogo and GoFundMe are not only a useful way to raise funds for arts projects, but are also a great marketing tool. Crowdfunding has become incredibly popular and widely understood; Kickstarter receives 20+ million visits per month. Bear in mind though that crowdfunding is not as simple as just posting your project on a website; you will also need to back it up with a marketing push to make people aware of it. Remember each one has a different pricing or funding structure, so be careful to pick the one that is right for you. Some, like Kickstarter, only ‘pay out’ if you reach 100% of your crowdfunding goal, whilst others will allow you to receive all of the money pledged regardless of how much you manage to raise. On the flip-side, Kickstarter has much higher traffic and therefore publicity, so there is a tradeoff to be made there. So be realistic, but also aim high, and choose the right platform for you.
A number of our clients have used crowdfunding previously to launch their projects, products and venues. Whilst we can't run your crowdfunder for you, we can help support it by providing professional visuals, high quality graphics, and present your work beautifully. If you need help delivering your arts crowdfunding campaign, or if you want to take your strategy further, we at Wired Canvas can help. Have a look at our portfolio to see how we've helped others in the past and get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!