18th December 2013 by Rob Costello

This year we thought we'd do something a bit different and attempt to send the highest Christmas card in Europe. Lacking both sleigh and magical reindeer we've taken advantage of our new location and sent our card in email format from the top of The Shard - aka. the tallest building in Europe.
This blog post serves to comply with the Guinness independent verification process (not really) that we did actually post our card from the top of The Shard, overlooking London.
To everyone else out there, have a happy Christmas and a cracking new year!
The Shard is five minutes walk from our studio, and since we can see it from our desks it seemed a bit wrong that we'd never been to the top.
The view when you first step out is incredible...

You can just make out the London Eye, Tate Modern and the BT Tower in the image above. Below is looking across to the City, with HMS Belfast looking teeny tiny on the river.

Despite the fact it is totally safe and probably impossible to fall, some of us still preferred to hang on "just in case"...

So back to the reason we were up there in the first place (other than checking out the view), we logged on to The Shard's wifi system and updated our Mailchimp campaign...

...and pressed SEND.

We hope you enjoyed the Highest Christmas Card in Europe - we did!
On a separate note, whilst we went up the Shard to email our card (that rhymes!), we also donated the amount we would have spent on printing and posting actual paper cards to two of our favourite charities; The Camps Foundation and Mind Yourself. Please take a moment to check out their websites and see their amazing work.